Adding a connection

When adding a connection in Grafana you’ll need the following information:

The organization UUID is used to determine from which organization you’ll be able to fetch data.

Below we create a user group with read privileges enabled and add a grafana user to this group from which to generate the API token.

In Factry Historian

  • Create a user group with all READ privileges (except READ_AUDIT_LOGS) in the according Historian organization.
    • Go to Factry Historian,
    • Click on Configuration and then Groups,
    • Click on Create user group and give the user group a name f.e. “factry-historian-readers”,
    • Click on the edit button and edit the Privileges
  • Create a user and add it to the newly created group.
    • To add a new user click on Configuration then Users,
    • Click on Add new user button,
    • Fill in the fields and submit,
    • Go back to Groups settings and add the user to the group using Users section
  • Create a token for the newly created user.
    • Go to Users settings and click on the edit button for the newly created user,
    • Navigate to Tokens tab,
    • Click on Generate API token button

In Grafana

  • Create a new datasource.
  • Fill in the URL. This is the same as the Factry Historian API URL from above, f.e. .
  • Fill in the according organization UUID.
    • To find the organization UUID, go to Factry Historian,
    • Click on Organizations,
    • Click on the edit button of the organization and copy the ID.
  • Fill in the token generated in the Historian for the specific user and paste it in Grafana.
  • Select the default query type to open when creating a new query
  • Click Save & test, when successful this should return how many timeseries databases are found