1. Stat as panel

1.1 About a Stat

A stat is used frequently to highlight one key number derived from the incoming data steam of one of the measurements.

An aggregate of the data stream within the selected time range can be chosen f.e.:

  • an average
  • a mean
  • a count


1.2 Setup a Stat

Get into a dashboard panel.

In the panel right pane, the panel can be configured.


In the Panel visualization tab , the panel type can be selected as a Stat by clicking the Stat.


2. Stat display settings

Click the Display dropdown in the right pane of the panel to open the display settings.

In the Stat display settings, some general display properties can be changed.


2.1 Reduce to one key value

The stat function is almost exclusively used to reduce the values in the data stream to one key value.

Therefore you need to select the Calculate colored box underneath the Show section.

Further, select the according reduce operation underneath the Value section by clicking the Mean dropdown .

Most of the time a selector or an aggregate is used for a stat, but other options are available.


The following selectors can be indicated as a reduce operator:

  • Last
    to extract the last value of the measurement in the current time range

  • Last (not null)
    to extract the last value of the measurement, that is not null
    meaning the last non-empty value will be highlighted

  • First
    to extract the first value of the measurement in the current time range

  • First (not null)
    to extract the first value of the measurement, that is not null
    meaning the first non-empty value will be highlighted

  • Min
    extract the minimum value (not null) in the current time range

  • Max
    extract the maximum value (not null) in the current time range


The following aggregates can be indicated as a reduce operation:

  • Mean
    to calculate the mean of the measurement values in the current time range
  • Total
    to calculate the sum of the measurement values in the current time range


  • Count
    to count the number of measurement values in the current time range
  • Change count
    to count the number of measurement values that are different compared to the previous value in the current time range
  • Distinct count
    to count the number of unique measurement values in the current time range


A range can be chosen as key measurement:

  • Range
    to get the range between the minimum and the maximum value of the measurement in the current time range
  • Difference
    to get the range between the first and the last value of the measurement in the current time range


A boolean can be set as the key value (true or false):

  • All Zeros
    to check if all measurement values are zero in the current time range → true
    if a single value is existent in the current time range → false
  • All Nulls
    to check if all measurement values are null in the current time range (so no values) → true
    if a single value is existent in the current time range → false

2.2 Layout

Some basics layout settings can be altered in the Display settings .

Color mode

One can choose if configured colors should apply to the value itself or if the configured colors should apply onto the background, using the Color mode colored box .

  • enable Value to apply colors on the value
  • enable Background to apply colors on the background of the Stat

Background graph

Since the Stat highlights one single key value, the graph holding all measurement values in the current time range can be of non importance.

By default this graph is still displayed in the background of the Stat.

To disable the graph, set the Graph mode colored box to None instead of to Graph .

3. Stat configuration

Some basic settings for the Stat can be altered by clicking the Field tab on the top right and unfolding the Standard options dropdown by clicking it.


3.1 Units

As with the graph, a unit can be configured to be displayed next to the highlighted key value in the stat.

Add a graph

3.2 Range

The range for the measurement values displayed in the background graph of the Stat can be set.

Visually, this will constrain the values of the background graph.

This range is also used for setting the Stat thresholds later on.

The minimum and the maximum value for the measurement values can be indicated:

  • fill in a number in the Min entry to set a minimum value
  • fill in a number in the Max entry to set a maximum value

This range does not visually apply on the key value that is highlighted by the Stat.

3.3 Decimals

The number of decimals to be displayed in the key value for the stat can be set in the Decimals entry .

By default no decimals are shown, even if decimals are present in the raw data contained in the influx database.

3.4 Display name

A display name can be set, to be shown above the key value of the Stat.

The display name for the stat is not the same as the panel title.
Most of the time, an according panel title is set and the display name is left empty.

3.5 Empty key value

If the key value derived from the reduce operation is empty (null), then another value can be displayed in it’s place by setting the No value entry .

It could be useful to display a small text here like “No value”. Else for no value, the key value won’t be displayed at all.

3.6 Base color

For a Stat, the base color can be set, applying onto the key value highlighted by the Stat and the background graph (if visible).

Click the Thresholds dropdown in the right pane to unfold the Thresholds section .


Click the colored circle icon next to the Base box to open the color editor. This is a similar color editor as discussed when adding a graph as a panel (check for more information).

Add a graph

After selecting a color, this color is used to display the key value and the background graph for your Stat.

3.7 Thresholds

Thresholds can be added, applying onto the key value highlighted by the Stat.

Click the Add threshold button in the Thresholds section to add a new threshold.


In the Added threshold entry click the zero value and fill in a number to be applied as a threshold onto the key value of the Stat.

Threshold mode

After adding a threshold, you need to specify if the number functions as an absolute value to be compared with the key value or as a percentage pinned onto the indicated Stat range (see above).

  • Click the Absolute colored box underneath the Thresholds mode section to indicate the given number as absolute.
  • Click the Percentage colored box underneath the Thresholds mode section to indicate the given number as a percentage compared to the Stat range.

Threshold color

The thresholds are accompanied with a color to be applied onto the key value. Set a color by clicking the colored circle icon and picking a color in the color picker (see above).

The threshold color will be taken for granted, once the key value is higher than the indicated threshold.

Base color

The first entry in the threshold, always indicates the Base color . This is the color that will be used when a value is not higher than the first threshold, or no thresholds are specified.