1. Login

1.1 Url

During the Historian training, you should be given the url to login onto grafana for your site. This should be similar to:


→ replacing the with the given ip address

Some clients will have access to Grafana via a cloud server. In that case, the url should be similar to:


→ replacing the with the clients name

1.2 Credentials

You should have credentials to use to log into grafana.

For some clients, an ldap system is feeding access control to grafana and these credentials can then be used to log in. Note that the mapping between the ldap server and grafana need to be setup by Factry first, to be able to use the ldap system in grafana.

If no ldap system is coupled, users have to be set up by your grafana admin user or can be added by Factry support in the grafana UI.

Manage dashboards and access control

2. Home screen

This is the grafana home screen.

  • On the bottom left, there is an overview of your favorite dashboards.
  • On the bottom right there is a news log and on top there are information tiles and small grafana tutorial tiles available (not important).


3. Grafana main navigation bar

On the left, the grafana main navigation bar is always visible to the user. Here the main grafana navigation icons can be found.

3.1 Main icons

  • The factry icon acts as a home button. Click it to return to the home page above.
  • The magnifier icon lets you search for existing dashboards.
  • The plus icon lets you make a new dashboard.
  • The tiles icon opens up a menu with:
  • another home button (Factry logo is the more convenient choice)
  • a manage dashboards button, which brings you in the overview of all existing dashboards for your site
  • the playlist and snapshot button (not important)
  • The compass icon brings up the explore view, letting you explore the measurements that have currently been collected.
  • The bell icon brings up:
  • an overview of alerts that have been set on a particular panel in a particular dashboard
  • an overview of the possible communication channels which the alert could trigger are in here.


3.2 Admin users

  • For the client admin users, the gear icon is available which lets you setup the site settings. The ones to focus on are:
  • setup of data sources (setup by Factry)
  • registering users (setup by site admin or Factry)
  • adding plugins for extra functionality
  • setting up preferences, like the UI color and the home dashboard to show.
  • For the server admin user, the shield icon is available, which holds some extra server, organization and user settings.

3.3 User and site settings

  • The colored icon brings up the settings for the current user. Here you can:
  • edit your own profile
  • add own site settings
  • lets you switch site (if there are multiple), with the crossed arrows
  • The question mark icon icon brings up:
  • the link to the official documentation
  • the link to the factry support system
  • lets you see the current grafana version