Released on 16/06/2022
Bug fixes
- Disable profiling on production builds
Released on 14/06/2022
Bug fixes
- Fixed “too many open files” issue by influx connection cleanup
Released on 07/06/2022
Bug fixes
- Fixed broken measurements filter
Released on 02/06/2022
Bug fixes
- Allow for larger GRPC messages
- Display user group name instead of description
- Fixed possible “out-of-range” error
- Fixed nil pointer problem on non-preloaded measurements
Released on 09/05/2022
Bug fixes
- Removed profiling code from the binary
Released on 04/05/2022
Breaking changes
- To support the use of a new influxdb storage model some influx-data will have to be migrated
- Pre v4.0 collectors will have to be upgraded due to changes to the historian API
This release includes the following new features:
- Audit logs
- Encrypted GRPC communication
- New influx storage model
- Added support for changing the datatype of a measurement
- Added support for array data types
- Pause and resume collectors and measurements
- Collector health history
- Collector statistics and logs
- Bulk import measurement from excel
- External measurement validation
- Added an option to filter on measurement quality in the measurement list
Audit logs
The historian server now audits the creation, updating and deletion of the following objects:
- Historian users
- Historian settings
- Measurements and measurement settings
- Time series databases
- Collectors
Encrypted GRPC communication
The collectors now securely communicate with the historian via the GRPC protocol. This significantly reduces the amount of bandwidth used by the factry collector.