Released on 14/10/2022
- Attempt to update buffer path permissions before exiting
Released on 06/10/2022
- Added support for JSON input in measurement/collector settings
Released on 12/09/2022
Bug fixes
- Simple properties with no data were stored incorrectly
Released on 12/09/2022
Bug fixes
- Newline the tags of points written to influx1.x were not escaped correctly
Released on 08/09/2022
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug where events where not processed properly if the number of open events per event configuration exceeded 100
- Faster startup when event processing is enabled
Released on 06/09/2022
Bug fixes
- Fixed response conversion for influx2 queries
Released on 31/08/2022
Failover collector
- Add configuration options for collector failover
Time series databases
- Added support for Influx v2.x
- Added server side buffering for the calculation collector
Advanced collector settings
- Most environment variables for the collectors have been removed and are now available to be configured in the historian frontend as advanced collector settings
- Allow renaming of collectors
- Measurement filters are now used in the excel export
- Removed measurement bulk upload with JSON
- Added a confirmation step to the measurement bulk upload
- Added a refresh button to the data preview for measurements
- Changed the default time period from 6h to 5m for the measurement preview
- Prefill filtered database/collector in create measurement
- Added a clone button for measurements/calculations
- Added a ‘Good points only’ option to historian event property
- Made the order of setting columns in measurement excel export more consistent
Bug fixes
- Measurement logs search input
- Fixed created_at and created_by getting reset on update for some objects
- Fixed the measurement validation schema not updating correctly when creating a measurement
- Fixed a bug where the calculations where reloaded when selecting a calculation
- Fixed a visual bug when setting a measurement/collector setting to 0
- Fixed menu icons in Firefox
Release on 25/08/2022
Bug fixes
- Fixed bug where input measurement for calculation selects wrong one if measurements with same name exists in another database
Released on 23/07/2022
Bug fixes
- The major version of the go modules has been bumped to V5
Released on 14/07/2022
- Measurements have a preview pane which displays the most recent historical data for that measurement
- Improved pagination of logs and audit logs
Event detection module
- We announce the addition of the Event Detection module ! This enables detecting time-based events and aggregate values on top op these events using process data.
- Performing operations on existing measurements is added by means of Calculations , which output their results in new separate measurements stored as new time series data.
Released on 30/06/2022
- In the timeseries database overview, databases are sorted by name
- An about screen was added in the user menu in the bottom left of the screen displaying the current Historian version. On clicking the about screen, links pop up to the Historian documentation and the factry client portal.
- Added pagination to the log viewer
- In the measurement list, measurements can be filtered by uuid
- Importing meassurements support an “Import” column. When left blank, the measurement on the corresponding row will not be imported. Filling in any value in this column (eg X), will import the measurement on the corresponding row. The use of the column is optional.
- The measurements overview auto-refreshes to live update the measurement statuses
- The collector health status dot has been restyled using additional status colors.
Bug fixes
- Stability improvements in the bulk import error handling
- Added advanced environment variables to collector documentation
Released on 16/06/2022
Bug fixes
- Disable profiling on production builds
Released on 14/06/2022
Bug fixes
- Fixed “too many open files” issue by influx connection cleanup
Released on 07/06/2022
Bug fixes
- Fixed broken measurements filter
Released on 02/06/2022
Bug fixes
- Allow for larger GRPC messages
- Display user group name instead of description
- Fixed possible “out-of-range” error
- Fixed nil pointer problem on non-preloaded measurements
Released on 09/05/2022
Bug fixes
- Removed profiling code from the binary
Released on 04/05/2022
Breaking changes
- To support the use of a new influxdb storage model some influx-data will have to be migrated
- Pre v4.0 collectors will have to be upgraded due to changes to the historian API
This release includes the following new features:
- Audit logs
- Encrypted GRPC communication
- New influx storage model
- Added support for changing the datatype of a measurement
- Added support for array data types
- Pause and resume collectors and measurements
- Collector health history
- Collector statistics and logs
- Bulk import measurement from excel
- External measurement validation
- Added an option to filter on measurement quality in the measurement list
Audit logs
The historian server now audits the creation, updating and deletion of the following objects:
- Historian users
- Historian settings
- Measurements and measurement settings
- Time series databases
- Collectors
Encrypted GRPC communication
The collectors now securely communicate with the historian via the GRPC protocol. This significantly reduces the amount of bandwidth used by the factry collector.