
Sinks are connections to endpoints for which forwarders can be configured to stream points and events to.
Currently 2 types of sinks are supported:

To create a sink:

  • navigate to configuration > sinks
  • click Create sink in the top-right corner

Sinks overview

This will take you to a screen to configure a new sink.

  • Enter a unique name
  • Optionally enter a description
  • Select a sink type

Sinks basic settings


  • Enter a NodeID to connect to
  • Enter a GroupID to connect to
  • Enter the URL of the MQTT broker to connect to
  • Enter the client certificate file location if applicable
  • Enter the client key file location if applicable
  • Enter the username
  • Enter the password
  • Enter the keep alive period(in seconds)

Sinks SparkplugB settings

Generic MQTT

  • Enter the URL of the MQTT broker to connect to
  • Enter the client certificate file location if applicable
  • Enter the client key file location if applicable
  • Enter the username
  • Enter the password
  • Enter the QOS with which to publish
  • Enter the keep alive period(in seconds)

Sinks Generic MQTT settings

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