Creating an asset prototype

To create a prototype, navigate to the Prototypes sub-menu of the Events menu, and click the ‘+ Create Prototype’ button.

Create prototype

Fill in a descriptive name and optionally a description. The chosen name and description have no relation to the name of the assets that will be created from this prototype.
By choosing a default database, all measurements and calculations that will be created when instantiating this prototype will store their time series data in this database by default.

Optionally add metadata to the prototype, these metadata fields will be copied to the assets created from this prototype.
As an exception to the rule, the values of the metadata fields do not have to be filled in when creating the prototype. In this case, the metadata values will have to be filled in manually when instantiating an object of the prototype, or the keys without a value must be deleted.

Created Asset prototype

Adding asset property prototypes

To add a property to the prototype, click the ‘Create property’ button under the created asset prototype’s ‘Properties’ menu.

Fill in a descriptive name and optionally a description. The asset properties that will be created will have the same name and description as the property prototype.
Two types of property prototypes can be created: property prototypes that reference a measurement, and property prototypes that reference a calculation.

Measurement property prototype

Create measurement asset property prototype

When instantiating an asset that has a measurement property prototype, the measurement will not be created. Instead, an existing measurement has to be linked to the asset property.
The selected datatype of the prototype is used to filter the available measurements that can be linked.
The selected name of the prototype is used to provide an automatic suggestion for the name of the measurement that will be linked. The selected name can be templated to include the asset’s name, the property’s name or other metadata fields. Template values can be added by using the dropdown.

Calculation property prototype

Create calculation asset property prototype

When instantiating an asset that has a calculation property prototype, the calculation will be created based on the configuration provided.
The name of the calculation can be templated to include the asset’s name, the property’s name or other metadata fields. Template values can be added by using the dropdown.

The name of a calculation has to be unique. Therefore, it is recommended to use a template value in the name of the calculation to make sure subsequent initializations of the same prototype do not result in a name conflict for the calculation.

Adding event prototypes

To begin creating event prototypes, it is necessary to first configure the necessary event types and event type properties .

To add an event to the prototype, click the ‘Create event’ button under the created asset prototype’s ‘Events’ menu.

Create event configuration prototype

The name of the event is determined by the Event Type, the description can optionally be filled in.

Depending on the Detection Mode, different settings have to be filled in. The detection modes are similar to the detection mode of non-prototyped events with the added possibility to trigger on a prototyped asset property for the historian detection mode.

Event prototype property configuration

The configuration of the event prototype’s properties is similar to the configuration of the event properties of a non-prototyped event , with the added possibility to have a data reference to a prototyped asset property for the historian detection mode.