
It is possible to link existing assets to a prototype. This will allow these assets to be managed and updated by the prototype.

Unlinked asset

To link an asset to a prototype, navigate to the asset detail page and click the ‘Not linked to prototype’ button and select the prototype from the list.

In the modal that appears, an overview is shown of the objects that will and will not be linked.

When linking existing assets to a prototype, no new objects are created. The linking will link existing assets, asset properties, and event configurations to the prototype based on their names, data types, and event types.

Linking an asset to a prototype

After the linking is done, it is possible to update the linked asset from the prototype. This can create objects required by the prototype that don’t exist yet or update the linked objects to match the prototype.


Unlinking an asset from its prototype

Unlinking an asset from its prototype can be done from the prototype’s instances list, or from the asset’s detail page by clicking the unlink button.

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