Event configuration

Once the event types with their according event properties are set up, one can link an event type to a particular asset to start configuring the event detection. First select an asset from the asset tree and click “Configure event”:

Configure event

Next, the detection mode can be chosen to be either Historian or either Schedule. The different detection modes are elaborated below .

Detection mode

Further, an already existing event type can be linked.

Event type

Optionally, a parent event configuration can be given.

Event configuration parent

Detection mode

A trigger measurement can be used by opting for Historian as the detection mode or a recurring schedule can be used by opting for Schedule as the detection mode.

Detection mode: Historian

The historian detection mode works by observing the values of a trigger measurement for a change. Whenever the value of the trigger measurement changes, that timestamp is used to start a new event, next to closing the previously open event on the same timestamp. Take into account, if the new value of the measurement is considered a zero value (depending on the datatype), the previous event will be stopped but a new event will not be created.


Zero values

The values considered as zero values with respect to event detection for each datatype are listed below.

  • boolean: false
  • number: 0
  • string: "" (an empty string)

Refresh interval

To prevent the creation of an event with an incorrect start time the event detection will only start creating new events after the first change in value is detected. The refresh interval at which the detection is evaluated can be adjusted by using the refresh interval.

Grace period

To ignore value changes and consequently triggering a new event, a grace period can be configured. If a value changes and subsequently the value changes back to the former value within the grace period, the current event will not be closed and no new event will be started. Thus, the grace period is the time period for which value changes are ignored or can be seen as the minimum time between value changes.

Example historian event detection

An example of the historian detection mode by observing the values of the trigger measurement “BATCH_LABEL”:

Value Time Event detection
5AB 2006-05-04 12:59 start of event-detection
5AB 2006-05-04 13:00 no action
5AB 2006-05-04 13:01 no action
2006-05-04 13:02 close previous event
16BA 2006-05-04 13:03 open new event
16BA 2006-05-04 13:04 no action
17B0 2006-05-04 13:05 close event, open new event
2006-05-04 13:06 close event
17BA 2006-05-04 13:07 open new event

This results in the creation of 3 new events:

Event Start time Stop time
1 2006-05-04 13:03 2006-05-04 13:05
2 2006-05-04 13:05 2006-05-04 13:06
3 2006-05-04 13:07 ongoing

Detection mode: Schedule

The schedule detection mode allows for generating events based on a recurring schedule. By means of an RRULE, this event detection can be configured. An RRULE is a recurrence rule which defines a pattern to generate a set of timestamps to setup new events. Their syntax is defined by the rfc5545 standard.

To setup a schedule event detection, add a recurrence rule for generating a set of start timestamps and optionally add another recurrence rule to close the corresponding events. Multiple recurrence rules can be combined for either the start timestamps and/or the stop timestamps. One recurrence rule for the start timestamps is required.


Example schedule event detection

An example of the schedule detection mode to generate a set of start and stop timestamps for new events:

Start rules





Stop rules



This results in the creation of 2 new events per weekday:

Event Start time Stop time
1 xxxx-xx-xx 08:00 xxxx-xx-xx 14:00
2 xxxx-xx-xx 14:00 xxxx-xx-xx 22:00

For further information on RRULE including a useful GUI to build a recurrence rule, visit RRULE ui .

Detection mode: manual

The manual event detection mode allows for events to be manually started/stopped inside manual entry forms. No further configuration is needed for this detection mode.

Detection mode: External database

The external database detection mode works by querying a database for start and stop times to generate events. External databases can be configured by going to Configuration > External Databases. If only start times are available in the dataset, the stop time for an event will be based on the start time of the following event. You can use query parameters to narrow down your data selection, which includes the asset metadata. For example, given the following database table event_times:

Type Start time Stop time
Pump1 2024-12-27 08:00 2024-12-27 14:00
Pump2 2024-12-27 09:00 2024-12-27 15:00

We can create this query to generate events for a specific asset type:

Example query

We can create more dynamic queries, based on asset metadata:

Example query 2

If no stop times are available we can ommit that column:

Example query 3

Re-evaluation of events

By selection an asset in the asset tree and clicking the re-evaluate button in the top right corner, all events underneath that asset can be re-evaluated for the indicated time period. In this way, events can be detected on already existing historian time series data.

Note that this will not overwrite events which have been edited by hand (flagged manual), nor will interfering existing events be deleted unless the option ‘delete previously generated events’ is selected in the re-evaluation popup.


To re-evaluate only one event, refer to re-evaluate a single event in the events overview.