Collector settings

The collector settings are used by the collector to successfully connect to the OPC-UA server.

Collector settings

Basic settings


Description: The connection string used to connect to the SQL database. Use $USER and $PASSWORD as placeholders for the necessary credentials

Required: yes


  • postgres : postgres://$USER:$PASSWORD@host:port/database
  • oracle : oracle://$USER:$PASSWORD@server/service_name
  • sqlserver : sqlserver://$USER:$PASSWORD@host/instance?param1=value&param2=value
  • mysql : $USER:$PASSWORD@protocol(address)/dbname?param=value
  • sqlite3 : file:test.db?cache=shared&mode=memory
  • hdb : hdb://$USER:$
  • ase : ase://$USER:$PASSWORD@host:port/?prop1=val1&prop2=val2


  • MariaDB was created as a fork of MySQL. Therefore, it uses the same connection string format as MySQL.
  • It is required to add parseTime=true in the connection string to parse the timestamp correctly for a MariaDB connection using the MySQL driver.
  • The NULL values should be handled, e.g. by using COALESCE(column_name, '') in the SQL query to read values from a column having NULL values, as otherwise NULL values will cause parsing issues for a MariaDB connection using the MySQL driver.


Description: The user used to connect to the SQL database

Required: no


Description: The password used to connect to the SQL database

Required: no


Description: The database driver that will be used to connect to the SQL database.

Required: yes

Options: postgres | oracle | sqlserver | mysql | sglite3 | hdb | ase


Description: The interval in seconds between execution of the SQL query.

Required: yes

Default value: 5

Minimum: 1


Description: The timeout in seconds of the SQL query.

Required: yes

Default value: 5

Minimum: 1


Description: The query string used to query the SQL database.

Required: yes


  • postgres: SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE updated > $1;
  • oracle: SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE updated > :1;
  • sqlserver: SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE updated > @p1;
  • mysql/mariadb: SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE updated > ?;
  • sqlite3: SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE updated > ?;
  • hdb: SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE updated > ?;
  • ase: SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE updated > ?;

Advanced settings


Description: The SQL heartbeat timeout in milliseconds, minimum 5s.

Required: no

Default value: 10000

Minimum: 5000