Measurement settings

The measurement settings reflect the configuration possibilities for mapping a measurement to an Modbus address range and function code.

Measurement settings


Description: The Modbus address to start reading registers from.

Required: yes

Default value: 0


Description: The way this measurement should be collected from the OPC-DA server.

Required: yes

Default value: polled

Options: polled | monitored

Checkout the data collection methods section for more information.


Description: The interval in milliseconds at which this measurement should be collected.

Required: no

Default value: 5000


Description: The offset in milliseconds, relative to the 0th second of a minute, at which this measurement should be collected. Only relevant for polled measurements.

Required: no

Default value: 0


Description: The Modbus register type to read.

Required: yes

Default value: Input Register

Options: Coil | Discrete Input | Input Register | Holding Register


Description: The datatype of the Modbus registers to read. If the input register is Discrete Input or Coil only boolean is allowed.

Required: yes

Options: boolean | uint16 | int16 | uint32 | int32 | float32 | uint64 | int64 | float64


Description: The Modbus byte order to interpret the register bytes: AB|BA-(CD|DC)-(EF|FE-GH|HG). Optional and overwrites the collector ByteOrderDefault.

Required: no

Default value: Default

Options: Default | AB-(CD)-(EF-GH) | BA-(DC)-(FE-HG) | (HG-FE)-(DC)-BA | (GH-EF)-(CD)-AB